A craft blog about using up all the craft supplies I have stored in my basement. It literally looks like a Michael's store down there!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Home-Made Play Dough

After cleaning out my basement getting ready for the garage sale next month I rediscovered my Play Dough box from when I use to do daycare. I am sorry to say that my 3 year old has never even played with the play dough toys I have collected over the years. My older children wanted to play with it, and as it is SNOWING today (April 26th) I thought it would be a good time.

The picture above is all the ingredients you need to follow the recipe below.

Saturday Play Dough:

3 cups flour
1 cup salt
4 tsp Cream of Tartar

Mix all the dry ingredients together.

Add 2 cups boiling water
3 tbs hand lotion (any kind you have)
2 tbs vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients together well, see video below. WARNING: My husband was watching a concert on TV at the time, so there is music behind the video!

Let cool for approx 15 minutes. Knead together when cool. Divide into sections for coloring. Add 5-10 drops of food coloring into center of ball and knead slowly so you don't get food coloring everywhere! Add more flour if needed to get right consistency.

Play with your play dough! When done, store in air tight containers or baggies. This should keep for up to 1 month.

There are many different play dough recipes out there. You can always Google home made play dough recipe to find more, including edible ones for those who can't keep it out of their mouths.


Anonymous said...

If you add kool aide it makes it smell good.

Becky said...

My daughter and I LOVE playing playdough! Forgot how fun it would be to make some together! Thanks!