A craft blog about using up all the craft supplies I have stored in my basement. It literally looks like a Michael's store down there!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Girl Scout SWAPS

My daughter was going away for a full weekend of "roughing it" camping with her Girl Scout troop. I was in the middle of a low attendance garage sale, and remembered we forgot to make any SWAPS. She was at school, and was leaving for camp 15 minutes after she was to get home from school. My friends agreed to watch the garage sale while I ran into the basement to figure something out.

I found an old page I had ripped out of the Family Fun Magazine, here is the link to their web site activity that I used. I liked the caterpillar because I thought I had a better shot at having those beads already in the house. I changed it up a little to use what I did have on hand. But you can use their directions too!


wood beads, 6 per worm
pipe cleaners
small wiggle eyes, 2 per worm
hot glue gun
wire cutters


1. I started out by hot gluing each wiggle eye to a bead. I did not pick a particular colored bead, just the first one I grabbed.

2. Glue the "head" bead to the next bead so the eyes are on the sides of the head.

3. Put a small dab of glue into the second bead, and place the pipe cleaner into the glue.

4. Add 4 body beads total, make into a pattern or just randomly.

5. Snip the pipe cleaner with 1/4 an inch remaining. Put hot glue onto the pipe cleaner, and add the last bead.

6. Set aside to dry and cool completely. Start on the next worm.

7. When cool, add a slight bend to their bodies to make more realistic.


The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. You can use ANY color beads, or make them as long or as short as you want. Use colored google eyes, or change the shape and make them huge.

This is a very easy project, but the hot glue gun should be used by an adult to prevent burning!

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